

(An Antenna: A Simple Piece of Metal with A Highly Complex Task)

主讲人:陈志宁(新加坡国立大学教授、新加坡科技局资讯与通信研究院科技顾问及首席科学家、IEEE Fellow)



Abstract: Since Guglielmo Marconi successfully sent and received his first radio signal in Italy in 1895, the antenna have been became one of key components of radio. The antennas in any wireless systems are the only gates to connect the electromagnetic waves in air to the electrical currents in the circuitries. With rapid commercialization of wireless technology from wireless communications, radar and imaging systems to sensor systems, a variety of antennas have companied with all of us anytime and anywhere. An antenna is a simple piece of metal or dielectric, emitting and receiving electromagnetic waves in air. However, the design of antenna is the highly complex task because it is the only component in any wireless systems which operation is open to environments surrounding it and interacts with electromagnetic waves. Up to now, the antenna is not only a radiating/receiving component but also a controllable system even an intelligent technology. Antenna technology is the one of the historic modern technologies, which records and reflects the development of mathematics, physics, and engineering. Due to antenna’s unique features, its performance is strongly determined by its geometries, dimensions and properties of materials used as well as governed by mystical Maxwell’s equations. As a result, the antenna design likes a magic. The antenna itself likes an art! After the briefing of antennas, the latest development of modern antenna technology will be updated, which has been spurred by the fast deployment of wireless systems, such as LTE, RFID, WiFi and so on.





陈教授已经作为大会主席、技术程序委员会主席、评奖委员会主席或国际指导委员会主席组织与参与许多国际学术活动。他是国际天线技术专题大会(iWAT)、国际微波论坛(IMWF)、国际资讯通信及多媒体技术在生物医学及健保中应用专题大会(IS 3T-in-3A)、及亚太天线与传播大会(APCAP)的发起人及首届大会主席。

由于在天线小型化及宽带设计的杰出贡献,陈教授于二零零七年晋升为国际电子电气工程师学会会士(IEEE Fellow)。现任国际电子电气工程师学会天线与传播学会新技术委员会委员、会士评审委员会委员和杰出演讲人(Distinguished Lecturer)。在担任国际电子电气工程师学会新加坡天线与传播分部主席期间,该分部获天线与传播学会及国际电子电气工程师学会及新加坡支会两个“二零零八年最佳分部奖”。

陈教授应邀在国际上发表了百余场技术演讲。他曾任六家国际期刊的主编、副主编及特邀主编,现任五家国际期刊的主编、副主编或编委(JEMWA,IJAP,IJUWBCS,JKIEES,IEEE TAP)。他已发表了四百余篇英文论文(其中七十篇发表在IEEE Transactions)及四十余篇中文论文。他撰写、主编和出版了四本英文专著(Broadband Planar Antennas:Design and Applications, UWB Wireless Communication, Antennas for Portable Devices, Antennas for Base Station in Wireless Communications)。发表了三个专题章节在三本英文专著(UWB Antennas and Propagation for Communications, Radar, and Imaging,Antenna Engineering Handbook,Microstrip and Printed Antennas: New Trends, Techniques and Applications)。他于一九九二年翻译出版了《小型天线》(Small Antennas)。他现主编Handbook of Antenna Technologies。

陈教授是三十三项专利的发明人,并成功地实现三十二项次技术转让。曾五次获最佳论文奖(International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation Best Paper Award 2010, the CST University Publication Award 2008, IEEE AP-S Honorable Mention Student Paper Contest 2008, I2R Quarterly Best Paper Award 2004, IEEE iWAT 2005 Best Poster Award)及六项科技进步奖(国家教委科技进步奖,军队科技进步奖,江苏省国防科技进步奖及新加坡 IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award 2006,2013)。


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