宋 淼


姓名:  宋淼


E-mail:  miaosong@shmtu.edu.cn

电话:  021-38282825

地址:  上海海事大学信息工程学院211

职称:  副教授

研究方向: 机器学习,视觉感知的机制建模,面孔识别




2011 获得复旦大学工学博士学位

2009 -2011任职于日本高知工科大学攻读博士后(助理教授)




























3)目的地服务APP。委托单位:上海宇鸿科技股份有限公司(项目简介:基于Node.js, Angular.js, MangoDB开发目的地服务APP,为海外旅游者的行程、餐饮等提供信息搜索服务),项目负责人。



1)    Miao Song#, Qian Qian, Keizo Shinomori, Perception and Expressing Habits of Smiling and Angry Expressions Modulated by Facial Physical Attractiveness in Asian Female Persons, Japanese Psychological Research, 61(2), 2019, doi: 10.1111/jpr.12198.

2)    Qian Qian, Feng Wang, Miao Song, Keizo Shinomori, Sequence effects of the involuntary and the voluntary components of symbolic cueing. Attention Perception & Psychophysics 80(3): 662-668, 2018.

3)    Qian Qian, Feng Wang, Miao Song, Feng Yong, Keizo Shinomori, Spatial Correspondence Learning is Critical for the Sequence Effects of Symbolic Cueing. Japanese Psychological Research 59(3): 209-220, 2017.

4)    Miao Song#, Shinomori Keizo, Qian Qian, Yin Jun, WeiMing Zeng, The Change of Expression Configuration Affects Identity-Dependent Expression Aftereffect but Not Identity-Independent Expression Aftereffect, Frontiers in Psychology, 6(1937), 2015, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01937.

5)    Miao Song#, The improved discrimination on facial ethnicity induced by face adaptation, Perception, 45(2) (Suppl.), 32, 2015.

6)    Qian Qian, Wang Feng, Feng Yong, Miao Song. Spatial organisation between targets and cues affects the sequence effect of symbolic cueing. Journal of Cognitive Psychology 27(7): 855-865, 2015.

7)    Qian Qian, Miao Song, Shinomori Keizo, Gaze cueing as a function of perceived gaze direction, Japanese Psychological Research, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 264272, 2013.  

8)    Qian Qian, Miao Song, Shinomori Keizo, Wang Feng, The functional role of alternation advantage in the sequence effect of symbolic cueing with non-predictive arrow cues, Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, vol.74, no.7, pp. 1430-1436, 2012.

9)    Qian Qian, Shinomori Keizo, Miao Song, Sequence effects by non-predictive arrow cues, Psychological Research, Vol.76, No.3, pp. 253-262, 2012.

10)Miao Song#, The novel facial identity aftereffect elicited by simple curve, I-perception, 5(4), 342, 2014.

11)Miao Song#, Shinomori Keizo, Shiyong Zhang, The Influence of a low-level color or figure adaptation on a high-level face perception, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E93.D(1): 176-184, 2010.

12)Miao Song#, Shinomori Keizo, Shiyong Zhang, How do facial parts contribute to expression perception? An answer from the high-level face adaptation, Information: an international interdisciplinary journal, 13(6): 1947-1956, 2010.

13)Miao Song#, Shinomori Keizo, Does the attractiveness-bias exist in the smile expression perception?, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, CVIM-160(5), 23-28, 2007.



1)   Miao Song#, Qian Qian, Shinomori, The effect of Expression Geometry and Facial Identity on the Expression AftereffectThe proceedings of 2th International Conference on Intelligence Science. Shanghai, China, 2017.10.24-27, 124-129.

2)   Qian Qian, Wang Xiao, Miao Song, Gazes induce similar sequential effects as arrows in a target discrimination task. 2nd IFIP TC 12 International Conference on Intelligence Science, ICIS 2017, October 25, 2017 - October 28, 2017, Shanghai, China, Springer New York LLC.

3)   Miao Song#, Shinomori Keizo, Zhang Shi Yong, The contributions of facial features on the smiling and angry expressions judgment and its implication for the computer recognition system, IEEE international conference on information and automation, Harbin, P.R. China, 2010.6.23-26.

4)   Qian Qian, Shinomori Keizo,Miao Song, The functional role of implicit memory on gaze-evoked attention orienting. IEEE international conference on information and automation, 2010, pp. 123-127.

5)   Miao Song#, Shinomori Keizo, Zhang Shi Yong, The output of human expression system measured by the visual adaptation and its implication for the computer recognition system, 9th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Xiamen, P.R. China, 2009.10.11-14.

6)   Miao Song#, Shinomori Keizo, The holistic coding mechanism revealed by the face adaptation paradigm, 10th Annual Conference of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, Japan, 2008.

7)   Miao Song#, Shinomori Keizo, Affects of Impression of Face to Smile or Angry Perception, The International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research, Japan, 2007.



1)    钱谦,宋淼,视觉高层认知-以注意转移和面孔后效为例,云南大学出版社,347千字,2014

2)    吴爱华,宋淼等,数据库应用系统开发过程、技术及案例详解,中国人民大学出版社,2015

3)    胡西川,宋淼等,Visual C#.NET框架程序设计,中国人民大学出版社,2015



Miao Song, The contributions of facial features on the smiling and angry expressions judgment and its implication for the computer recognition systemIEEE信息与自动化会议组委会,优秀论文奖,2010
