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8.“面向嵌入式应用的高分辨率人脸实时检测, 专用集成电路与系统国家重点实验室开放课题
- Weina Zhou, Xiangyang Xue, Yun Chen. low-rank and sparse decomposition based frame difference method for small infrared target detection in coastal surveillance, IEICE transactions on Information& System,2016, E99-D(2):554-557.(SCI源)
- Weina Zhou, Huafeng Wu, Xiaoyang Zeng. A Low Cost Architecture for High Performance Face Detection, Microprocessors and Microsystems, 2015, 39(6):339-347.(SCI源)
- Weina Zhou, Lin Dai, Yao Zou, Xiaoyang Zeng, Jun Han. A High Speed Reconfigurable Face Detection Architecture Based on AdaBoost Cascade Algorithm, IEICE Transactions on Information & System, 2012,E95-D, no.2, pp.383-391.(SCI源)
- Zhijing Xu, Junjun Zhang, Yun Zhang, RGB Image Processing Based on Compressed Sensing, IET International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering, 2012, 543-547.
- Zhijing Xu, Li Jiang, Huanlei Dai, A method of seabed soil image reconstruction based on Compressed Sensing, Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 487, 3-6.
- Zhijing Xu, Zhongzhou Wang, Research on Image Watermarking Algorithm based on DCT, International Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology ,2011, 1129-1135.
- Zhijing Xu, HuanLei Dai, PeiPei Cao, Processing of Sonar Image Based on Compressive Sensing, Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 719-723.
- Weina Zhou, Yao Zou, Lin Dai, Xiaoyang Zeng. A high speed reconfigurable face detection architecture, in proceeding of 9th IEEE International Conference on ASIC(ASICON), 2011:83-86.Oct. (EI)
- Weina Zhou, Shuai Wang, Xiaoyang Zeng. The Design and Realization of a Divider with Adjustable Precision in Fingerprint Enhancement, Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference(APSIPA ASC) 2011, Oct. 1145-1148(EI)
- Zhou Weina, Han jun, Zeng Xiaoyang, Yan Weiwei. Fingerprint verification based on wavelet and edge detection,Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Electronic Measurement and Instruments (ICEMI), 2009, 3: 1001-1004.(EI)
- Zhou Weina, Xu Zhijing, Hu Wenhua, A Target Detection System Based on Matlab Web Server, Proceeding of 2nd International Symposium on Test Automation and Instrumentation (ISTAI), 2008, 4: 2158-2161. (ISTP: BLK80)
- Zhou Weina, Xu Kaiyu, Li Shuangyi, A Method for Ship Target Detection Based on Image Fusion,Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Electronic Measurement and Instruments (ICEMI), 2007, 2: 923-926. (EI: 083811549958, ISTP: BGX83)
- Xu Kaiyu, Hu Wenhua, Zhou Weina, Target Detection Based on the Artificial Neural Network Technology. The 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 2: 337-341, 2006. (EI)
- Xu Kaiyu, Hu Wenhua, Zhou Weina, Target Detection in Infrared Image Sequence Based on Background Prediction. Journal of Computational Information Systems. 2(3): 959-963, 2006. (EI)
- Xu Kaiyu, Hu Wenhua, Zhou Weina, Target Detection Based on the Background Prediction. 1st International Symposium on Test Automation and Instrumentation, 2: 869-872, 2006. (ISTP)
- Zhijing Xu, Peipei Cao, The Underwater Target Detection Based on Multi-Feature Fusion, International Conference on Computers, Communications, Control and Automation, 2011, 460-463.
- Zhijing Xu , Jing Wang, Research on Sonar Image Denoising Algorithm Based on Median Filter and Morphology, Progress of Computer Technology Application, 2010, 232-235.
- Zhijing Xu, Bo Hu,Wireless Positioning Technology Research Based on CC2431, Electronic Design Engineering, 2009, 17(10), 10-13.
- Zhijing Xu, Weina Zhou, Study on Collection and Processing of the AIS’s Output Data, Navigation Technology, 2006, 2, 29-31.
- Zhijing Xu, Kaiyu Xu, Wenhua Hu, Research on ship navigation test system based on GPS, China Institute of Navigation Communication Navigation Professional Committee Symposium, 2006, 1-4.
- Zhijing Xu, Jiexian Wang, Numerical method to calculate coordinate transformation between AIS and radar object for information fusion, Journal of Shanghai Maritime University, 2005, 4, 78-81.
- Zongqiang An, Zhijing Xu, Study of acquisition and processing system to water quality based on Solinst Leverlogger3001,Electronic Design Engineering, 2012, 20(2), 100-103.
- Deying Feng, Kaiyu Xu, Xuzhijing, Sea-sky-line Detection in Infrared Images, Infrared, 2008, 29(9), 33-36.
- Weina Zhou ,Zhijing Xu, A Target Detection System Based on Matlab Web Server, proceedings of the second international symposium on Test Automation & Instrumentation, 2008, 2158-2161.
- Kaiyu Xu, Zhijing Xu, Huayao Zhen, Applications of wavelet transformation in ENC vector conversion,Journal of Shanghai Maritime University, 2005, 3, 68-71.
- Jiexian Wang, Zhijing Xu, Method of Calculating Numerical Derivative of Jacobin Matrix for Transform Among Space Cartesian Geodetic and Plan Co-ordinates, Journal of Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2004, 24(4), 19-23.
- Liu Kun, Guo Lei, Chen Jingsong. The Contourlet Transform for Image Fusion Using Cycle Spinning. System Engineering and Electronics, Vol. 22 (2) :353~357, 2011. (SCI:750ET)
- Liu Kun, Guo Lei, Li Huihui. Fusion of Infrared and Visible Light Images Based on Region Segmentation. Chinese Journal of Aeronautic, Vol.22(1):75~80,2009. (SCI:422NE)
- Liu Kun, Wang Xiaofeng. Oil Spill in SAR Image Denoising Method Based on Contourlet HMT, International Conference on Advanced Materials in Microwaves and Optics(AMMO2011),2011, 545~549, Bangkok, Thailand. (EI: 20120814796848)
- Hongqiong Huang,etc. Simulation of campus network’s video service performance based on OPNET [J], Microcomputer & its Applications. Vol.33 No.7. 2014.
- Zhang, J. Kulon, “Comparative Study of Square and Sine Wave Excitation Methods for the Measurement of Aerosol Particles Charge and Size Distribution using Phase Doppler Anemometry: Signal Processing Strategy, System Modelling and Optimisation”, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 1397-1407, Apr. 2011.
- Jing Yang and Xiangzhong Fang, “Rate-distortion Optimized Selection of Motion Vectors for Video Transmission over Packet-loss channels”, IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E89-B, No. 12, pp.3494-3496, Dec. 2006.(SCI: 117MS)
- Jing Yang ,Xiangzhong Fang and Hongkai Xiong,“A Joint Rate Control Scheme for H.264 Encoding of Multiple Video Sequences”, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics,Vol. 51, No. 2, pp.617-623, MAY 2005. (SCI: 940WZ)
- Jing Yang and Xiangzhong Fang, “A Novel Dynamic Frame Rate Control Algorithm for H.264 Low-bit-rate Video Coding”, High Technology Letters. Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 53-57, Mar. 2007. (EI:071910594613)
- Ren Lei, Shi Chaojian, Ran Xin, Peng Jing, Salient target detection under sea environment using fractional Fourier transform, ICIC Express Letters, 2012, Vol.6, No.9, 2225-2230(EI检索)
- A meteorological facsimile signal digitization method, No. 200810041013.8.
- 多模式切换的人脸检测装置和方法, No.201210290850.0
- 一种适用于海防监控的海上红外小目标的检测方法,No.201510649705.0.
- 基于虚拟仪器的船舶组合导航及分析系, No.2012SR090764
- 基于labview的AIS信息解码与分析系统, No.2011SR083302
- 基于多尺度相位信息的海难搜救目标检测方法,201110092940.4
- 一种海上场景显著性检测方法,No.201210207271.5
- 一种港口污染物显著性检测方法,No.201310387277.X
- 基于频谱奇异值分解的海上目标显著性检测方法,No.201310408461.8