魏 莱



  • 个人简介:
  • 魏莱,1980年生,博士,副教授,现为上海海事大学信息工程学院青年骨干教师。2004年7月毕业于同济大学应用数学系,获得理学学士学位。2009年3月毕业于同济大学计算机科学与技术系模式识别与智能系统专业,获得工学博士学位。2009年4月进入上海海事大学信息工程学院工作。2013年9月至2014年7月在复旦大学计算机科学学院访学。主要研究方向为模式识别,机器学习等。近年来,在《Information Sciences》、《Expert Systems with Applications》、《Knowledge-Based Systems》、《Neurocomputing》、《计算机学报》、《软件学报》、《计算机研究与发展》、《电子与信息学报》等国内外重要期刊上发表论文30余篇。主持国家自然科学基金和上海市教委科研创新项目各一项,以主要参与人参与国家自然科学基金项目、上海市自然科学基金、上海市教委曙光项目等。
  • 办公地址:   上海海港大道1550号,上海海事大学信息工程学院212
  • 办公电话:   021-38282825
  • 电子邮箱:   weilai AT shmtu DOT edu DOT cn
  • 研究方向:   机器学习,数据挖掘,模式识别等
  • 学术兼职:
  1. 中国计算机学会粒计算与知识发现专业委员会委员
  2. 国家自然科学基金通讯评审


  • 期刊:
  1. Xiaobo Xiao, Lai Wei (Corresponding Author), Robust Subspace Clustering via Latent Smooth Representation Clustering, Neural Processing Letters, DOI: doi.org/10.1007/s11063-020-10306-8.
  2. 刘淑君, 魏莱 (通讯作者), 基于分块集成的图像聚类算法, 计算机科学, 2020, 47(6):170-175.
  3. Lai Wei, Rigui Zhou, Changming Zhu, Xiafen Zhang, Jun Yin, Adaptive graph‑regularized fixed rank representation for subspace segmentation, Pattern Analysis and Applications, 2020, 23: 443-453.
  4. Changming Zhu, Duoqian Miao, Zhe Wang, Rigui Zhou, Lai Wei,  Xiafen Zhang, Global and local multi-view multi-label learning, Neurocomputing, 2020, 371: 67-77.
  5. Changming Zhu, Zhe Wang, Rigui Zhou, Lai Wei, Xiafen Zhang, Yi Ding, Semi-supervised one-pass multi-view learning. Neural Computing and Applications, 2019, 31(11): 8117-8134.
  6. Lai Wei, Rigui Zhou, Xiaofeng Wang, Changming Zhu, Jun Yin, Xiafen Zhang, Subspace segmentation via self-regularized latent K-means, Expert Systems with Applications, 2019, 163(1): 316-326.
  7. Lai Wei, Rigui Zhou, Jun Yin, Changming Zhu, Xiafen Zhang, Hao Liu, Latent graph-regularized inductive robust principal component analysis, Knowledge-based systems, 2019, 177(1): 68-81.
  8. Lai Wei, Yan Zhang, Jun Yin, Rigui Zhou, Changming Zhu, Xiafen Zhang, An improved structured low-rank representation for disjoint subspace segmentation, Neural Processing Letters, 2019, 50: 1035-1050.
  9. Lai WeiXiaofeng Wang, Aihua Wu, Rigui Zhou, Changming Zhu, Robust subspace segmentation by self-representation constrained low-rank representation, Neural Processing Letters, 2018, 48(3): 1671-1691.
  10. Jun Yin, Zhihui Lai, Weiming Zeng, Lai Wei, Local sparsity preserving projection and its application to biometric recognition, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2018,77(1):1069-1092.
  11. Lai Wei, Xiaofeng Wang, Jun Yin, Auhua Wu, Self-regularized fixed-rank representation for subspace segmentation, Information Sciences, 2017, 412-412:194-209.
  12. Lai Wei, Xiaofeng Wang, Jun Yin, Auhua Wu, Spectral clustering steered low-rank representation for subspace segmentation, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2016, 38:386-395.
  13. Jun Yin, Weiming Zeng, Lai Wei, Optimal feature extraction methods for classification methods and their applications to biometric recognition, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2016, 99:112-122.
  14. Jun Yin, Lai Wei, Miao Song, Weiming Zeng, Optimized projection for collaborative representation based classification and its applications to face recognition, Pattern Recognition Letters, 2016, 73(1):83-90.
  15. Lai Wei, Auhua Wu, Jun Yin. Latent space robust subspace segmentation based on low-rank and locality constraints, Expert Systems with Applications, 2015, 42(19):6598-6608.
  16. Lai Wei, Feifei Xu, Jun Yin, Auhua Wu. Kernel locality-constrained collaborative representation based discriminant analysis, Knowledge-based Systems, 2014, 70:212-220.
  17. Lai Wei, Feifei Xu, Auhua Wu. Weighted discriminative sparsity preserving embedding for face recognition, Knowledge-based Systems, 2014, 57(2):136-145.
  18. Lai Wei, Feifei Xu. Feature extraction by integrated global and local discriminator, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2014, 10 (7):2719-2726.
  19. Lai Wei, Feifei Xu. Locality-constrained collaborative representation based discriminative projection, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2014, 10 (9): 3305-3312.
  20. Lai Wei, Feifei Xu. Local CCA alignment and its application, Neurocomputing, 2012, 89(15):78-88.
  21. FeiFei Xu, DuoQian Miao, Lai Wei. Fuzzy-rough attribute reduction via mutual information with an application to cancer classification, Computer and Mathematics with Applications, 2009, 57(6):1010-1017.
  22. 魏莱, 自适应全局局部集成判别分析, 南京大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 50(4):517-525.
  23. 魏莱, 徐菲菲, 一种多权值神经元覆盖网络的构造方法, 计算机学报, 2012, 35(5):1031-1037.
  24. 苗夺谦, 徐菲菲, 姚一豫, 魏莱, 粒计算的集合论描述, 计算机学报, 2012, 35(2):351-363.
  25. 魏莱, 王守觉, 基于流形距离的半监督判别分析, 软件学报, 2010, 21(10):2445-2453.
  26. 魏莱, 王守觉, 徐菲菲, 近邻边界Fisher判别分析, 电子与信息学报,2009, 31(3):509-512.
  27. 魏莱, 王守觉, 徐菲菲, 一种自适应邻域选择算法, 模式识别与人工智能, 2008, 21(3):406-409.
  28. 魏莱, 王守觉, 徐菲菲, 基于带权多维尺度变换的奇异值挖掘, 计算机科学, 2008, 35(1):190-192.
  29. 徐菲菲, 苗夺谦, 魏莱, 冯琴荣, 毕玉升, 基于互信息的模糊粗糙集属性约简, 电子与信息学报, 2008, 30(6):1372-1375.
  30. 魏莱, 苗夺谦, 徐菲菲, 夏富春, 基于覆盖的粗糙模糊集模型研究, 计算机研究与发展, 2006, 43(10):1719-1723.
  • 会议:
  1. Lai Wei, Hao Liu, Robust subspace segmentation via sparse relation representation,The 2nd Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (PRCV’19),2019.11.8-2019.11.11.
  2. Lai Wei, Optimal subspace learning for sparse representation based classifier via discriminative principal subspaces alignment,The 9th International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology (RSKT’14),2014.10.25-2014.10.26.
  3. Lai Wei, Feifei Xu, Adaptively weighted subpattern-based sparse preserving projection for face recognition, In: Proceeding of The 9th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD’12), 29-31 May. 2012, 1394-1403.
  4. Lai Wei, Feifei Xu, Improved KL (K-means-Laplacian) clustering with sparse graphs, In: Proceeding of The Second International Conference on Multimedia and Signal Processing (CMSP’12), Shanghai, China, December 7-9, 2012, 506-513.
  5. Lai Wei, Weiming Zeng, Feifei Xu, Adaptively weighted subpattern-based isometric projection for face recognition, In: Proceeding of The Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence (AICI’11), Taiyuan, China, September 24-25, 2011, 554-561.
  6. Lai Wei, Weiming Zeng, Hong Wang, K-means clustering with manifold, In: Proceeding of The Seventh International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD’10), 10-12 Aug. 2010, Yantai, Shandong, 2095-2099.
  7. Lai Wei, Path-based relative similarity spectral clustering, In: Proceeding of The Second Global Congress on Intelligent Systems (GCIS’10), 16-17 December 2010, Wuhan, China, 115-118.
  8. Lai Wei, Duoqian Miao, Application of granular computing in knowledge reduction, In: Proceeding of The First International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology (RSKT’06), Chongqing, China, July 24-26, 2006, (4062):357-362.


  • 国家自然科学基金项目:
  1. 基于数据集“粒结构”和几何结构的子空间学习算法研究 (61203240)  2013.01-2015.12
  • 上海市“科技创新行动计划”自然科学基金项目:
  1. 多粒度子空间分割研究 (20ZR1423100)2020.07-2023.06
  • 上海市教育委员会科研创新项目:
  1. 基于数据集几何结构的稀疏表示算法研究 (14YZ102)  2014.01-2016.12
  • 企事业单位委托项目:
  1. 非实时情报与综合情报相关研发工具  2014.06-2016.06
  2. 网络监控、数据录取与推演技术系统  2019.05-2019.07


  • 主讲课程:
  1. 信息资源管理(085校级精品课程)课件:第零章  第一章  第二章(上)  第二章(下)  第三章  第四章  第五章  第六章  第七章  第八章  第九章  第十章  第十一章
  2. 数据结构 课件:第一章  第二章  第三章  第四章  第五章  第六章  第七章  第九章  第十章
  3. 机器学习(研究生课程)课件:第一章  第二章  第三章  第四章  第五章  第六章  第七章  第八章  第九章  第十章  第十一章  第十二章
  • 获奖情况:
  1. 2012年上海海事大学科研论文三等奖
  2. 2013年上海海事大学信息工程学院青年教师教学竞赛一等奖第一名
  3. 2013年上海海事大学青年教师教学竞赛鼓励奖
  4. 2015年上海海事大学信息工程学院青年教师教学竞赛一等奖第一名
  5. 2015年上海海事大学校优秀青年教师